Trademarks are a promise of quality tied to the product. They provide the opportunity to the manufacturer to emphasize special features of the products, to give them a special image and to thus set them apart from comparable products of other vendors. A registered trademark can turn YOUR product into a brand-name product. Thus, you should really consider trademark protection.
It is our challenge to assess the registrability of a trademark and to check the use of the trademark in view of possible collisions with older trademarks. Further, the question arises whether the desired trademark was already filed by somebody else in an identical or similar form or whether it is currently used. How can I defend my trademark rights against competitors or from being infringed upon by third parties? And how can I protect my trademark internationally? We provide you with professional advice on trademark protection in Germany, Europe and many other countries. Please contact one of our European trademark attorneys for more info.
Trademark applications and collisions are our daily challenge – benefit from our experience. Our European trademark attorneys are based in Munich, Germany and serve all clients who seek to get trademark protection in Germany, Europe or international trademark protection. Our partners have special expertise in German trademark applications, community trademark applications and IR trademarks. Further, we can support you in the field of domain name infringements, company names, trade names, brand names, logos, personal names, the use of a trademark or trademark infringement.
Before filing a German trademark or European trademark application we pay special attention to trademark search which is conducted by our own trademark search professional. Thus, the risk of a trademark collision with proprietors of earlier German trademarks or EU trademarks may be minimized.
We search for you in all available trademark databases for identical and similar trademarks and also search for comparable company names or domain names. Thus, our search professional may safeguard you from any disagreeable surprises.
We are curious to hear from you, call us at: + 49 (0) 89 18 91 63 10 or send us an email to