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Patent und Marken anmelden – News von Patworx

11. 2월 2024

The unitary patent in the European patent

1. What is a unitary patent? Once granted, a European patent does not automatically take effect in the territory of all member states. Instead, individual states had to be selected in which the European patent was to take effect. In the other states, the European patent lapsed. With the introduction of the Unitary Patent, it [...]
Allgemein @ko
16. 5월 2016

How much does a patent cost?

Patents cost money. The amount of costs naturally depends o the complexity of the invention, but above all on the geographic coverage of the patent, that is, the number of countries in which the invention is protected. If you choose just a limited number of countries, the patent costs may already rise to relatively large [...]
Patent costs
30. 10월 2010

Law to modernize patent law

On May 28, the German Federal Parliament enacted the law to simplify and modernize patent law. The patent law modernizing law is to improve the legal position when applying for patents and trademarks and to simplify the appeal system. Changes relating to patent invalidity processes and to employee invention rights are the main content of [...]
News about patents, trademarks and designs