European trademark application
A Union trademark or EU-trademark, respectively, offers uniform protection in all 27 member states of the EU. Owing to the simple registration process at the European Trademark Office (EUIPO) and its good cost/benefit ratio, an EU trademark is the first choice among most trademark applicants. With a Union trademark or European trademark, you obtain trademark protection within the entire EU for the price of just a little more than two national trademark applications.
Registering a European trademark at the EUIPO is relatively simple – but there are some points that you should consider. Take advantage of the experience of our European trademark attorneys to protect your trademark or company name in Europe. Before filing your EU trademark application, our trademark attorneys will clarify the following issues with you:
- Which type of trademark is the right choice – word mark, figurative mark or possibly both?
- Which goods or services should be protected under the trademark? And how do I draft the appropriate list of goods / services?
- Do I possibly infringe earlier trademark rights or rights on a company name? Can I achieve a registration of the trademark at all?
If you have any questions regarding a certain European trademark or the list of goods / services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to answer your questions as soon as we know about the details of your European trademark application. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
European trademark application – your options

European trademark application
+ Identity search 28
- Legal advice on the appropriate form of the EU trademark
- Preparing a list of goods and services
- Electronic filing with the GPTO
- Identity search for earlier word marks in all 27 EU member states
from 649 €
Attorney fees for an application in 1 class
plus VAT & 850,- EUR
official fees of the EUIPO

European trademark application
+ Similarity search 28
- Legal advice on the appropriate form of the EU trademark
- Preparing a list of goods and services
- Electronic filing with the GPTO
- Similarity search for earlier word marks in all 27 EU member states
from 899 €
Attorney fees for an application in 1 class
plus VAT & 850,- EUR
official fees of the EUIPO

European trademark application
+ Search for word and figurative marks
- Legal advice on the appropriate form of the EU trademark
- Preparing a list of goods and services
- Electronic filing with the GPTO
- Similarity search for earlier word and figurative marks in all 27 EU member states
from 1.449 €
Attorney fees for an application in 1 class
plus VAT & 850,- EUR
official fees of the EUIPO
The application process
The registration of an EU trademark (Union trademark) comprises the following phases:
Phase 1 – Preparation of the documents
We will advise you on choosing the right type of trademark (word mark, figurative mark, color mark, etc.), create the associated list of goods / services and advise you on possible obstacles to trademark registration.
Phase 2 – Filing the German trademark application with the EUIPO
After completing the documents and consultation with you, we will electronically submit the EU trademark application to the EUIPO.
Phase 3 – Official examination of the trademark application
After the EU trademark has been filed, the EUIPO will check whether the mark applied for may be excluded from registration as a trademark for some reason (so-called “absolute grounds for refusal”). Signs that are descriptive of the goods and services claimed in the trademark application are excluded from registration. Such signs must remain freely available to all market participants. Besides, the office also checks whether the EU trademark application meets other formal requirements.
Phase 4 – Publication of the EU trademark application
If the EUIPO determines that all legal requirements for an EU trademark application have been met and the fees have been paid, the office publishes the EU trademark application in the official register.
Phase 5 – Opposition period
From the date the application is published, third parties who believe that your EU trademark should not be registered, have three months to object to your trademark application. If an opposition has been lodged, we will report it to you.
Phase 6 – Trademark Registration and Certificate
If the opposition period has expired without an objection has been filed, the EUIPO registers the EU trademark, issues a EU trademark certificate and informs the applicant about the registration of the EU trademark. We will forward the certificate and the official report to you.
Trademark Search in the EU
Before registering an EU trademark, we strongly recommend carrying out a trademark search for earlier registered trademarks having effect in the EU. This allows you to determine whether you are entitled at all to manufacture or offer a certain product or service under the relevant mark in the EU. EU trademark applications that are filed without prior search often lead to legal disputes with the owners of already registered trademarks, including costly warning letters or a claim for damages. By means of a trademark search, you can uncover identical or similar trademarks that have already been filed or registered in the EU, thereby avoiding potential disputes as far as possible.
European trademark application – things to keep in mind
Our EU trademark packages all include a search component in relation to a trademark search for earlier registered trademarks. Before applying for a EU trademark, you should always search for earlier trademarks or company names which may possibly oppose your own application. The European IP Office does not conduct any trademark searches in advance. Therefore, there is a considerable risk that an owner of an earlier trademark will object to your trademark or send you a warning letter. This may lead to the deletion of your trademark, a claim for injunctive relief or a claim for compensation of damages. By means of a professional trademark search, you can significantly reduce this risk of a legal collision with earlier rights. This is significantly cheaper than the cost of a warning letter or a change of name. Let us provide you with our advice. Our European trademark attorneys will be happy to assist you.